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Administrator Tools

How to use the admin panel and its tools

Rory Broadbridge avatar
Written by Rory Broadbridge
Updated over a year ago

Admin Panel

If you have been given admin privileges for at least one workspace within your organisation, then you will be able to see the admin panel appear in the bottom left corner.

Manage Users

Within the manage users panel, you can add new users, remove users from your organisation, and grant admin privileges to other users. All of these abilities are applied at a workspace level.

Add New User

To add a new user, you are required to enter their full name and email address, then select which workspace they should be added to. You can also add a new user to multiple workspaces at once via bulk actions.

Manage Workspaces

Within the manage workspaces panel, you can create new workspaces, delete & edit existing workspaces, modify the workspace hierarchy, and perform bulk actions for users.

Bulk Actions

Bulk actions allows you to add or remove multiple users from one or many workspaces. Select the workspaces, users, and then choose to add or remove.

Manage Workflow Report Logo

This option will only appear if you are an organisational administrator - talk to your CSM if you cannot see this option and believe you should be able to.

Uploading an image here will ensure it is included at the top left of every report generated from HINDSITE.

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